Home remedies: http://www.acne.org/household-natural-remedies-rc6/page1.html
But most homemade recipies aren't very effective so:
Try no to pop the spots! This is for spots AND blackheads. Also dont use oily make up, you can actually get good make up for spot prone skin.
Keep your hair off when face (when you are at home).
Try not to touch your face especially with unwashed hands.
Drink lots of water.
Use nose pore strips only if youre desperate for a quick fix to get rid of blackheads.
Take make up off when you get home with non oily wipes.
And do this routine every night...
Steaming: If you don't have a steamer get a bowl of boiling water, lower your face to the bowl, put a tower over your head so the steam doesn't escapes. This opens your pores so that the dirt hopefully comes out. After wash your face with warm water to wash off the loose dirt.
Cleanse and Exfoliate: Do this straight after steaming. I use Garnier Deep Unclogging Wash and Blackhead scrub. Every 3-4 days I use a clay face mask which claims to absorbs dirt from pores.
Closing pores: So that no dirt returns to the pore wash your face with cool water. If you have time you can also do the egg face mask. Get two eggs seperate the egg white and yolk whisk the egg white then apply on your face for 15 minuites. this tightens your pores. Then wash off, afterwards use an ice cube over your nose. This shrinks the size of the pores.
Moisturise: If this routine dries out your skin use an oil free moisturiser especially for spot prone faces.
Most of them should be gone or less noticeable.
Clean a needle with rubbing alcohol and use it to gently prick the top and centre of your spot. Put tissues between your fingers to catch the sebum and pus (and also to keep from dirtying the pore) and press your finger together. Don't force it. Do this after steaming and before cleansing.
- If you use nose strips for the blackheads do it after steaming and before cleansing. You can make your own nose strips, just type it in google, thought the gelatin and milk one really smells.
- Make sure you use a tissue on your fingers when squeezing because your nails contain a lot of bacteria.
- Unless your blackheads are on your nose you could use a blackhead stick that any drug store sells.
- Don't forget to scrub at the crease at the bottom sides of your nose where it rejoins your cheek because that's where the sweat collects when you get hot.