i experienced that! same age! i was 13 going on 14. that when start using products. but take note that having clear skin tales time, it is not like taking medications and stops using when it gone. ok?
follow this routine:
1 face wash - a good face wash is the most important, the main cause of acme/pimples is bacteria so anti bacterial products helps preventing and fighting acne, as for you find prodcuts that has Salicylic Acid. it is a mild acid that helps get rid of white heads, minimize pimples and such. many antbactrial facewash has that. wash the face 2 a day (religiously)
2. tone - a toner seems to be underrated but believe me ones you find the right toner for you. you will never live w/o it. toners are different from astrigent, toner is milder. it even the skin tone, prevent acne by minimizing you pores and gives a glowy skin.
3. moisturize - use moisturizer any king actually, depending on you skin type. it can help to improve you complexion and to look young!
4. exfoliate - one or twice a day! trust me it helps to lessen that small pimples you have. i use st. ives. exfoliating products are those creams that has small beads in it. it gently remove dead skin cells and leaves the skin smooth.
goodluck! i hope this helps.
and oh! if you into naturals, you can check the youtube channel on finding alternetives for this kind of products. youll enjoy it.