To be honest, I am not a big fan of ponds at all, one because of the ingredients, and two, because I think I'm allergic.
The reason it makes your skin so shiny is because the major ingredients are mineral oil, and petrolatum, both petroleum products. Petrolatum does not really get absorbed into the skin, but sits on top of it, kind of like how oil floats on water. It takes time for the shine to go away. It also has contamination concerns because it is sometimes produced in the same factories they use to make car fuel! And the parabens inside it are irritating for some people. Besides that, it is quite hazardous and bad for your health, rating a 7 out 10 on Environmental Working Group's cosmetic database.
In addition, the cream may not be suitable for your skin type, since it is for dry skin. Perhaps you have combination, normal, or oily skin instead. Try to match the products with your skin type.
I personally recommend skin creams by Burts Bees, Kiss My Face, and Desert Essence. Your health and skin will thank you. ;)
Burts Bees anti aging cream is very similar to Ponds, although I have never tried it. You can find them at your local walmart in the Specialty Bath Section, in health food stores, and online. They moisturize without irritating, and are much safer for you and the environment. In their product lines, they also have gentle but effective cleansers.
If you decide to continue to use ponds, try buying some oil absorbing sheets to get rid of the shine.
think green. ♥