If its infected, DON'T take it out. It traps all the gunk in there, and it can turn into an abcess.
Anyway. I don't think it is infected, i.e. dark yellow/green smelly pus. It just sounds like the bump (hyperttrophic scarring) Which is really really common in cartilidge piercings.
A few ways to treat it, some work better for different people.
I prefer cammomile soaks. Which involves making a cup of 100% cammomile tea, letting it cool a little. and dumping the wet teabag on your ear once a day for a few minutes.. Simple. And the warmth helps draw out all the gunk.
Some people like a dab of emu oil once a day. Not good for vegetarians though.
And as a last resort try a drop of tea tree oil. It can irritate skin though, so try the other first.
All of them need patience and take quite a while to work though. Sometimes the bump will go away on its own though.
Normally caused by ill-fitting jewellery, especially rings. But that really can't be helped when its ne, cause extra long bars for swelling are bound to be irritating. Barbells and labret studs are best.