ale skin creates a vaguely supernatural aura. It can also be very beautiful, or suggest deviance or darkness. Many countries consider pale skin beautiful. This article will tell you how to get amazingly beautiful skin within weeks of care.
1Stay out of the sun. Skin pales in the dark and tans in the sun. Stay out of the sun or wear the highest SPF you can find. Always head for the shade.
2Wear more clothes. The less skin exposed to the light, the less chance you will have to tan.
3Alter your appearance. Dark clothing and hair will contrast with your skin and make you seem paler. This is entirely optional.
4Take Care of Your Skin. Wash, moisturize, exfoliate and ensure your skin is healthy. Healthy skin will help.
5Use a whitening cream. Whitening creams are amazing, and can really lighten skin. Choose a safe product and read all warnings! Alternatively, you can look up natural methods for whitening. Milk, for example, is a natural skin whitener.[citation needed]
6Apply lemon and amounts of water to even out with the lemon on the parts of the body that you want the pale complexion to be. It will only take a few days for your skin to be pale be sure to do it about 3 times a day.
7Sprinkle an ounce of baking soda in your bathtub so you can soak for 10 minutes once a week.
8Nail polish is a great way to make your hands and feet look a little paler. Black, or dark colors such as purple or navy blue, work well beacuse they make your skin seem paler by contrasting.
9Oatmeal Rubbing hands in oatmeal a couple times a day is an old fashioned home remedy that ladies at the turn of the century would use to keep their hands white and soft.
10Make a facial mask. mix one part milk and two parts flour and leave it on until dry.
11Care for your skin. Take a lukewarm water bath with 1/2 gallon of milk and 4 cups of Epsom salts every week.
12Wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. Protect yourself with sunscreen every day whether you're inside or outside, it is sunny or not. Get the highest SPF you can find.
13Wear skin cream. Mix two parts milk and one part flour to use as a face mask. Spread over the desired skin areas and wait until dry, then wash off with lukewarm water.
14Wear clothes that cover most of your skin and are dark colors, such as black or maroon.
15Continue with this routine, though the bath is only needed once a month now.
If you must be outside, wear a high SPF, wrap up and stay in the shade as much as possible.
Simplifying the steps you take to getting and preserving your pale skin will help you stick to your routine.
Drinking green tea is good for your skin (antioxidants).[citation needed] Clear skin accentuates paleness.
If you're a guy then get a clean shave or wax on your face so you dont have dark skin around the areas where excess hair grows.
Apply a foundation a few shades lighter
Wear white eyeshadow and try dyeing your hair darker as this highlights the pale skin.
Put cucumber slices over your eyes when doing the face mask.
Watch your diet. Eat a lot of vegetables & fruits. Also drink at least half a liter of water daily.