What's your opinion on body modification?
2012-06-29 12:33:18 UTC
Now, while I am asking for opinions, I'm not inviting anybody to be rude. You can state your opinion without being a douche about it.
So, what do you think about body modification of all types on men and women?
From piercings, tattoos, stretched lobes, scarification, and split tongues, to more simple "acceptable" modifications like coloring your hair or getting plastic surgery. What do you think, and why?

I personally am very pro mods. I'm 18, have one tattoo (1/2 sleeve that goes onto my back. Will definitely not be my only one) I have stretched ears to 3/4 of an inch and plan on stretching to at least an inch and a half, pierced navel and two tongue piercings, and have had three other ear piercings, I had a single tongue piercing before, and my lip was pierced on both sides (The right I kept for years, the left I only had for a few days.) I certainly don't have the most outlandish piercings/tattoos by any means, but I have a huge appreciation for people who do. I love all forms of body modification, and don't feel that a boob/nose job is any different from the more socially unacceptable modifications. In both instances the people are doing it because it makes them feel better about themselves, and I think that's super rad.
But ANYWAY, what do you think?
Six answers:
2012-06-29 19:26:14 UTC
Leaira Hathaway: I have tattoos and piercings. And I have a great job and education and friends and a social life. But yaknow, thanks for basically calling me a criminal. Oh, and my parents love me and utterly respect who I am. Thanks for ALSO disrespecting them.

I am completely fine with anyone who decides they want or do not want body mods. I have a passion for them but I have no problem with others who do not. It's people like "Leaira Hathaway" who disgust me, since they judge people automatically and are perfectly fine and proud of it. Thanks for making the world a worse place.

I absolutely love body mods AS LONG as the person has thought long and hard about them and has decided that it is a personal thing they want to do. For tattoos, this means the artwork is great and thought-out, not just something slapped on last-minute by some cheap tattoo artist. You should have respect for yourself before modifying yourself. And no, mods are not disrespecting yourself; they're something a person wants that will make them happier.

Get body mods for yourself, not others. Live for yourself and ignore the haters. And ignore people who think that specific genders can only have specific piercings. That's some nice sexism goin on and should not be promoted.
2012-06-29 21:04:21 UTC
I personally have a lot of piercings and a few tattoos and currently gauging my ears and love coloring my hair

I believe if your into that do it it doesn't matter what the world thinks

Although I'm not into to the splitting tongue thing but looks cool on some ppl

Scarification some ppl overdue it but looks good on some
2012-06-29 19:49:42 UTC
1) I Like tattoos but wouldn't get one because it's become such a hipster trend thing. Tattoos I like are scarce, individual, well though out, nice designs, a few on the arms, and other places but not like a giant body canvas. Sleeves are overkill and just look like crap because you cant even distinguish any of the individual tattoos so it loses its whole point, might as well just dye your skin red, blue, green and black cus that's all you see.

2) piercings depend on men and women. Men: cool to pierce ear lobes. Nose ring only if your badass enough to attach a chain from your ear to your nose (Janet Jackson, Rachel Bolan style).

Stretch piercings I find to look very stupid. It's also become this sort of hipster fake tough guy look too. Overall never liked any of the stretch stuff, not because its socially 'unacceptable' I just think the overall portrayal of the look and the popular look that goes with it is lame.

Women: Ears, belly button, tongue, nose all fine. Not a fan of overkill piercing, too much of a pretentious 'look at me how rebellious and fake i am because i'm trying to out do people by piercing everything and looking 'hardcore' ' feel.

3) scarification: really no point. Nothing a tattoo can't do with red ink other than branding/3d effects. Just seems very stale and boring to me.

4) Split tongues. Never got it. I don't think it looks cool in anyway. Seems again like a desperate cry for attention or a pointless how 'extreme' can I look type of thing.

Overall I don't have a problem with any, just giving my opinion of what I personally like. I only have a problem with a growing trend of imposters doing body modifications because its a trendy hipster thing to do. I think it's sort of become some kind of 'scene' where everybody is just pretending to be super 'hardcore' and 'artistic' when they are really just as superficial as the people they look down upon. As long as its true to you go for it, but there's no denying that body modifications may have just as much shallow intent as plastic surgery. The only difference is one is more honest about its shallow nature than the other.

ιиdια grαce♥
2012-06-30 14:44:32 UTC
I like: plastic surgery, ear and belly button piercings for women, and coloring your hair.

The rest just seem a little attention-grabby to me. The exception for me is if a child dies and a parent gets a tattoo of them. That seems very sweet, but the rest just seems unnecessary and odd.

I don't have anything against people who get them though.
2012-06-29 19:39:39 UTC
I do not agree with it not showing respect for your body.

It's your body and you can do what you like with it, if body modification makes you happy then do it? I have 8 piercings, including one stretcher, it doesn't make me any worse as a person, my piercings do not define my personality, and are not offending anyone?

I strongly disagree with people who dislike them.
Leaira Hathaway
2012-06-29 19:35:14 UTC
I am totally against it. It shows a complete lack or respect for your body. I have no more respect for people who get tattoos and piercings than I do for people who go out and spray paint graffiti on bridges and buildings. And even less respect for parents who give consent for their kids to get tattoos/piercings.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.