I just began a facial hair removal (only on my first treatment) and I was told it would work better if the area would be shaved and I was concerned it would make matters worse but I was told the laser would work better if I would allow them to shave me prior to the treatment so I allowed them to shave me. The texture of my facial hair prior to the laser treatment was very fine "peach fuzz" and now after the shaving and laser treatment my face feels very "sandy" (the hair texture seems thicker even though I can't see the hair without a magnifying glass) Now I'm about to start the second session but because I have noticed the hairs (while not visible) feel coarser, I don't know whether I should allow them to shave me again? Will the hair eventually get finer?
If you've had facial laser hair removal, what has been your experience? Have you been shaved? and ultimately has your facial hair disappeared? I just don't want to end up worse off (ahh all in the name of vanity LOL)
Your input will be highly valued and appreciated~