Drop 10 pounds quickly?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Drop 10 pounds quickly?
Sixteen answers:
Konjo Nashi Pirate™
2007-07-02 19:13:50 UTC
132lbs at almost 6 foot (5'11) is already thin for your height. I'm 5'5 and 125lbs and this is my normal weight.

You're already thin enough, I think what you want to try doing is tone up those areas instead of lose.
2007-07-02 19:08:40 UTC
Don't focus on weight, measure yourself instead. You seem thin so it might be hard to lose pounds. But see if you lose inches. Also, I *promise* you that if you are doing it for a guy....he doesn't want you to get thinner than you are already. Good luck and congrats on being such a great athlete!
2007-07-02 19:06:46 UTC
your really skinny.

why would you want to lose weight?
2007-07-02 19:05:44 UTC
You sound REALLY skinny if you're THAT tall.

Maybe you jsut need to be toned not LOSE pounds.

Just do crunches.
Kelsie E
2007-07-03 02:33:59 UTC
I agree with the other 2 people on here that said to tone up. Get a personal trainer and start to lift very light weights. If you start working out (lifting) 4-5 days a week by the fall you will look great! You will probably also end up gaining 10 pounds but you will look better and thiner than you did before. Dont focus so much on a number... I would def. say tone up!
2007-07-02 19:12:12 UTC
I bet if you lost 10 lbs before school starts again people will think you have an eating disorder and be talking about you behind your back and how you're too skinny and look boney.
2007-07-02 19:11:19 UTC
wow youre skinny as hell if you are that tall! think about gaining wait but heres somthing that will help you tone and drop body fat!

above is the link for how to do the exercises

Day 1: Fat-Blasting Cardio (28 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 2 min Fast Walk* at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 1 min Slow Walk (5-6 intensity level)

• Repeat Fast/Slow sequence 6 times

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 2: Strength-Train A (Core Control)

• Do 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, resting 1 minute between sets. (description of exercises following)

Day 3: Fat-Blasting Cardio (34 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 3 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 1 min Slow Walk (5-6 intensity level)

• Repeat Fast/Slow sequence 6 times.

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 4: Strength-Train B (Butt Camp)

• Do 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, resting 1 minute between sets. (description of exercises following)

Day 5

• Repeat Day 3.

Day 6: Cross-train (30 minutes)

• Give your cardio a kick by doing something new: inline skating (burns 816 calories per hour), bicycling (544/hour), or dancing (442/hour**).

Day 7

• Rest.

Week 2

Day 8: Fat-Blasting Cardio (40 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 5 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 1 min Slow Walk (5-6 intensity level)

• Repeat Fast/Slow sequence 5 times.

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 9: Strength-Train A (Core Control)

• Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, resting 1 minute between sets; up the amount of weight you lift on the first set, and on the second set if possible.

Day 10: Fat-Blasting Cardio (45 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 6 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 1 min Slow Walk (5-6 intensity level)

• Repeat Fast/Slow sequence 5 times.

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 11: Strength-Train B (Butt Camp)

• Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, resting 1 minute between sets; up the amount of weight you lift on the first set if possible.

Day 12

• Repeat Day 10.

Day 13: Cross-Train (40 minutes)

• Beat boredom. Try an activity or class you've never done before kickboxing (burns 680 calories/hour) or power yoga (burns about 306/hour).

Day 14

• Rest.

Week 3

Day 15: Fat-Blasting Cardio (43 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 10 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 1 min Slow Walk (5-6 intensity level)

• Repeat Fast/Slow sequence 3 times.

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 16: Strength-Train A (Core Control)

• Try the "Make It Harder" moves or increase weight lifted. Do 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, resting 45 seconds between sets.

Day 17: Fat-Blasting Cardio (42 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 15 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 1 min Slow Walk (5-6 intensity level)

• Repeat Fast/sequence 2 times.

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 18: Strength-Train B (Butt Camp)

• Try the "Make It Harder" moves or increase weight lifted. Do 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, resting 45 seconds between sets.

Day 19

• Repeat Day 17.

Day 20: Cross-Train (50 minutes)

• Anybody for swimming (burns up to 680 calories/ hour)? Just be sure to keep your heart rate up during the cardio of your choice.

Day 21

• Rest.

Week 4

Day 22: Fat-Blasting Cardio (45 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 35 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 23: Strength-Train A (Core Control)

• Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise (do the "Make It Harder" version whenever possible), resting 30 seconds between sets.

Day 24: Fat-Blasting Cardio (50 minutes)

• 5 min Warm-Up (3-4 intensity level, progressing to 5-6 by minute 4)

• 40 min Fast Walk at a quick pace (7-8 intensity level)

• 5 min Cool-Down (3-4 intensity level)

Day 25: Strength-Train B (Butt Camp)

• Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise (do the "Make It Harder" version whenever possible), resting 30 seconds between sets.

Day 26

• Repeat Day 24.

Day 27: Cross-Train (60 minutes)

• Hiking, biking, inline skating, basketball, tennis, racquetball, or a combination... it's up to you. The only requirement is that you keep your heart rate up for an hour.

Day 28

• Beach day!

The Exercises

Strength-Train A: Core Control

1. Rollover Lift: Tones back, abs, and butt

Lie facedown, arms overhead.

Lift arms, head, and chest 2 to 4 inches off floor.

Hold for 1 count; lower. Repeat once, then roll onto back. Lift head and shoulder blades 3 to 4 inches and reach toward feet.

Hold for 10 counts for 1 rep.

Make it harder: While facedown, lift legs 3 inches off floor as you lift upper body.

2. Bridge with Fly: Tones chest, shoulders, legs, butt, and abs

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lie faceup with upper back and head on chair or bench, knees over ankles. Raise dumb- bells, arms straight, palms facing in.

With abs tight and hips lifted, lower arms out to sides until level with shoulders.

Raise arms, squeezing chest muscles, for 1 rep.

Make it harder: Extend right leg so parallel to floor. Switch legs halfway through reps.

3. Plank with Leg Raise: Tones chest, arms, abs, and butt

Place hands shoulder-width apart on chair or bench, arms straight, feet hip-width apart, and body aligned from head to heels.

Keeping abs tight, raise right leg 6 to 12 inches off floor, squeezing glutes.

Hold for 1 count, then lower. Alternate legs for 1 rep.

Make it harder: Bend elbows and lower into a push-up. Holding in the down position, raise and lower right leg, and then push back up.

4. Core Reach: Tones abs and back

Lie faceup with legs extended toward ceiling, arms overhead with palms up.

Contract abs as you raise head and shoulder blades off floor. Reach hands toward feet.

Hold for 1 count, then lower.

Make it harder: As you reach hands toward feet, lift hips a couple of inches off floor.

Strength-Train B: Butt Camp

1. Plié Extension: Tones butt, legs, inner thighs, and triceps

Stand with feet wide, toes out. Hold a dumbbell with both hands, arms overhead, palms up.

With back straight and abs tight, bend knees, lowering until thighs are almost parallel to floor. Knees should be over ankles. At the same time, bend elbows to lower weight behind head, keeping upper arms close to ears.

Stand up while raising weight for 1 rep.

Make it harder: Do the move with a dumbbell in each hand.

2. Pelvic Lift: Tones hamstrings and butt

Lie faceup with left heel on chair, knee slightly bent, and right leg extended toward ceiling.

With arms at sides, press heel into chair and squeeze glutes to lift hips as high as possible.

Lower hips about an inch from floor for 1 rep. Switch legs halfway through set.

Make it harder: Squeeze a small ball or rolled-up towel between thighs to engage inner-thigh muscles.

3. Lunge with Curl: Tones legs, butt, and biceps

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells at sides, palms forward. Step right foot forward about 2 to 3 feet, lifting left heel. Bend knees and lower until right thigh is almost parallel to floor, right knee over ankle. At the same time, curl dumbbells toward shoulders. Lower weights as you press into right foot and stand back up. Alter- nate legs for 1 rep.

Make it harder: Bring back foot forward to meet front foot, then step forward with foot that was in back.

4. T-Chair: Tones legs, butt, and shoulders

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with back against wall, feet 1 to 2 feet from wall and about 6 inches apart. With arms at sides, palms in, bend knees, squatting until thighs are parallel to floor, knees over ankles.

Holding squat, raise arms out to sides to shoulder level, then lower, for 1 rep.

Make it harder: Lower into squat, then lift left foot several inches as you do arm raises. Switch feet halfway through reps.

Take Your Pick: Breakfast (400 calories)

1. The 5-Minute Breakfast (Top Fat Burner!)

Toast 1 slice 100% whole wheat raisin bread and spread with 1 Tbsp peanut butter. Serve with 1 cup low-fat plain yogurt and 1 cup strawberries, sliced.

398 cal, 20 g pro, 50 g carb, 13.5 g fat, 4.5 g sat fat, 15 mg chol, 8 g fiber, 437 mg sodium, 500 mg calcium

2. Homemade Muesli

Mix 1/2 c uncooked rolled oats; 1 med tart apple, chopped; and 1 Tbsp slivered almonds. Top with 2/3 c light soy milk or fat-free milk. Serve with 6 oz calcium- and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

401 cal, 13 g pro, 69 g carb, 8 g fat, 1 g sat fat, 0 mg chol, 8 g fiber, 116 mg sodium, 456 mg calcium

3. Sweet Smoothie

In blender, mix 1 med banana, 1 c frozen peaches, 6 oz low-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 Tbsp orange juice concentrate, 1 Tbsp toasted wheat germ, and a dash of almond extract.

405 cal, 13 pro, 80 g carb, 3.5 g fat, 1.5 g sat fat, 8 mg chol, 6 g fiber, 114 mg sodium, 321 mg calcium

4. Breakfast Burrito

In nonstick pan, scramble 1 whole egg and 1 egg white (or 1/2 c liquid egg substitute). Fill a 101/2" whole wheat tortilla with egg, 1 oz shredded low-fat Cheddar cheese, 2 Tbsp salsa, 3 Tbsp chopped tomato, and 3 Tbsp chopped cilantro. Serve with 1 c cubed melon (like honeydew or cantaloupe).

400 cal, 23 g pro, 52 g carb, 11 g fat, 3.5 g sat fat, 218 mg chol, 4 g fiber, 512 mg sodium, 317 mg calcium

5. Latte & Muffin (Top Fat Burner!)

Mix 2/3 c warm 1% milk with strong coffee. Top a 2 oz (Ping-Pong ball size) bran muffin with 1 Tbsp peanut butter and serve with fruit salad (1/2 med orange, peeled and chopped, and 1 kiwifruit, peeled and chopped).

401 cal, 14 g pro, 53 g carb, 16 g fat, 4 g sat fat, 25 mg chol, 10 g fiber, 496 mg sodium, 365 mg calcium

6. Berry Ricotta Toast

Top 1 slice 100% whole wheat toast with 1 Tbsp jam and 1/3 c part-skim ricotta. Serve with 2/3 c blueberries, 6 oz grapefruit juice, and 1 c coffee with 1/3 c 1% milk.

402 cal, 16 g pro, 64 g carb, 9 g fat, 5 g sat fat, 28 mg chol, 5 g fiber, 328 mg sodium, 373 mg calcium

7. Orange Sunshine Pancakes

In medium bowl, combine 1/2 c 1% milk; 1/3 c low-fat, low-sodium pancake mix; 2 Tbsp liquid egg substitute; 4 tsp toasted wheat germ; 1 Tbsp orange juice concentrate; and 1 tsp grated orange zest. Pour two circles of batter onto hot griddle coated with cooking spray and cook until bubbles begin to pop. Flip and cook 2 minutes or until done. Top with 2 Tbsp marmalade and 1/3 c fat-free plain yogurt.

400 cal, 17 g pro, 75 g carb, 6 g fat, 1.5 g sat fat, 4 mg chol, 2 g fiber, 171 mg sodium, 340 mg calcium

8. Vegetable Omelet

In small pan coated with cooking spray, sauté 2 Tbsp each diced onion and green bell pepper until tender, approximately 3 minutes. Remove. In same pan, add 3/4 c liquid egg substitute and cook over low heat until firm. Add onion-pepper mixture and 1/2 c diced tomato, then fold egg in half. Serve with 1 slice 100% whole wheat toast topped with 2 tsp jam and 8 oz calcium- and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

396 cal, 28 g pro, 53 g carb, 8 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 2 mg chol, 4 g fiber, 514 mg sodium, 408 mg calcium

9. Fruity Parfait (Top Fat Burner!)

In tall glass, layer 1/3 c low-fat burner granola; 1 c low-fat plain yogurt; 1 med orange, peeled and chopped; 1 kiwifruit, peeled and chopped; and 2 tsp dried fruit (apricots, raisins, etc.).

403 cal, 18 g pro, 71 g carb, 6 g fat, 2.5 g sat fat, 15 mg chol, 8 g fiber, 237 mg sodium, 522 mg calcium

10. Cereal Blender

Mix 1/2 c each shredded wheat cereal and Cheerios, and top with 2 Tbsp dried cherries or raisins, 1 Tbsp chopped unsalted walnuts, and 1 tsp dried coconut. Add 1 c light soy milk or fat-free milk. Serve with 6 oz apricot nectar.

396 cal, 14 g pro, 78 g carb, 9 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 0 mg chol, 6 g fiber, 304 mg sodium, 357 mg calcium

Take Your Pick: Lunch (550 calories)

1. The 5-Minute Lunch

Spread 4 oz whole wheat bagel with 1 Tbsp low-fat cream cheese and top with 1 slice red onion, 2 leaves lettuce, and 1 thick slice tomato. Serve with 1 med banana and 8 oz 1% milk.

548 cal, 24 g pro, 99 g carb, 7 g fat, 4 g sat fat, 18 mg chol, 14 g fiber, 729 mg sodium, 380 mg calcium

2. Make-Your-Own Salad

Top 4 c chopped romaine lettuce with 1 oz shredded low-fat Cheddar cheese; 1/3 c corn; 1/3 c canned beans (such as black or kidney), rinsed and drained; 2 Tbsp grated carrots; 4 Tbsp diced red onion; 4 oz roasted or grilled chicken breast (about the size of your palm); 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar; and dash of extra virgin olive oil (less than 1 tsp). Serve with 1 med whole wheat roll spread with 1 tsp butter.

554 cal, 53 g pro, 53 g carb, 17 g fat, 6 g sat fat, 112 mg chol, 14 g fiber, 471 mg sodium, 371 mg calcium

3. TLT n Veggies (Top Fat Burner!)

Spread 1 Tbsp low-fat, low-sodium mayonnaise on 1 slice 100% whole wheat bread. Add 2 thin slices turkey breast (about 2 oz), 3 thick slices tomato, and 2 leaves lettuce. Top with second slice whole wheat bread. On the side, toss 1 c steamed green beans with 12 cherry tomatoes, halved; 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil; 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar; 1 clove garlic, minced; and salt and black pepper to taste. Serve with 1 c 1% milk and 1 tangerine.

549 cal, 28 g pro, 83 g carb, 16 g fat, 4 g sat fat, 30 mg chol, 14 g fiber, 558 mg sodium, 461 mg calcium

4. Bean & Cheese Quesadilla

Fill two 6" whole wheat tortillas with 1 oz shredded low-fat, low-sodium Cheddar cheese; 1/3 c canned black beans, rinsed and drained; 3 Tbsp chopped cilantro; and 1 Tbsp chopped scallions. Grill on both sides (about 5 minutes each) and top with 2 Tbsp salsa mixed with 1 med tomato, diced. On the side, mix 1 med pear, seeded and chopped; 2 Tbsp pomegranate seeds (or dried cranberries); 2 tsp lemon juice (fresh or bottled); and 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley. Serve with 1/2 c low-calorie cranberry juice mixed with 1 c sparkling water over crushed ice.

549 cal, 18 g pro, 110 g carb, 7 g fat, 2.5 g sat fat, 6 mg chol, 14 g fiber, 599 mg sodium, 300 mg calcium

5. Soup & Grilled Cheese (Top Fat Burner!)

Gazpacho: In blender, puree 2 c peeled and chopped tomatoes; 1/2 green bell pepper, chopped; 1/3 c chopped onion; 1 clove garlic; 1/3 c chopped peeled cucumber; 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar; 2 tsp olive oil; and salt and black pepper to taste. (Strain for smoother texture.)

Grilled Cheese: Spread 1 tsp Dijon mustard on 2 slices 100% whole wheat bread. Add 11/2 oz low-fat Cheddar cheese, sliced, and 1/2 c bottled roasted red peppers, drained. In nonstick pan, grill on each side until cheese is melted. Serve with 1 c sparkling water mixed with 1/3 c calcium-and vitamin D fortified orange juice over crushed ice.

551 cal, 23 g pro, 76 g carb, 17 g fat, 4.5 g sat fat, 9 mg chol, 16 g fiber, 459 mg sodium, 506 mg calcium

6. Mango Chicken Sandwich

Spread 1 Tbsp hoisin sauce on 2 slices sourdough bread (70 calories per slice). Add 3 oz roasted or grilled chicken breast; 1/2 fresh mango, peeled and sliced; 1 slice red onion; and 2 Tbsp chopped cilantro. Serve with Spinach-Orange Salad: Toss 3 cups bagged baby spinach leaves with 1/2 c canned mandarin orange slices, drained; 2 Tbsp diced red onion; and 1 Tbsp dried cranberries. Dress with 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar and dash of extra virgin olive oil (less than 1 tsp).

542 cal, 37 g pro, 76 g carb, 12 g fat, 3 g sat fat, 71 mg chol, 10 g fiber, 635 mg sodium, 260 mg calcium

7. Black Beans & Rice

Mix 1 c cooked instant brown rice with 1/2 c chopped scallions. Top with 2/3 c canned black beans (rinsed and drained) mixed with 1 med tomato, diced; 2 Tbsp diced red onion; 2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley; 1 Tbsp lemon juice (fresh or bottled); and 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil. Serve with 1 sm apple.

549 cal, 17 g pro, 100 g carb, 12 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 0 mg chol, 19 g fiber, 645 mg sodium, 146 mg calcium

8. Tomato Sandwich & Beet Salad (Top Fat Burner!)

Spread 2 slices sourdough burner bread (70 calories per slice) with 1 Tbsp low-fat, low-sodium mayonnaise. Top with 4 thick slices vine-ripened tomato, 1/4 c fresh basil leaves, 1 tsp mixture of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and salt and black pepper to taste.

On the side, serve with 1 lg orange and Beet Salad: Toss 1 c fresh or canned beets, cubed, with 1 Tbsp fat-free feta cheese and 1 Tbsp chopped pecans.

548 cal, 19 g pro, 81 g carb, 16.5 g fat, 3.5 g sat fat, 13 mg chol, 12 g fiber, 673 mg sodium, 479 mg calcium

9. Roast Beef Sandwich

Spread 2 slices 100% whole wheat bread with 1 Tbsp low-fat, low-sodium mayonnaise. Top with 2 thin slices roast beef (about 2 oz) and 3 leaves lettuce. Serve with 12 baby carrots and 1 med apple.

552 cal, 25 g pro, 64 g carb, 23 g fat, 6 g sat fat, 68 mg chol, 12 g fiber, 551 mg sodium, 118 mg calcium

10. Beef Fajita

In nonstick pan coated with cooking spray, sauté 3 oz lean sirloin steak strips (prepackaged or cut at home) with 11/4 c fresh or frozen red and green bell pepper slices and 1/2 c onion slices. Stir frequently until trips are cooked through and vegetables are tender (approximately 10 minutes). Toss steak strips and vegetables with 1 Tbsp bottled ajita sauce until well coated. Wrap in a warmed 10-1/2" whole wheat tortilla.

Time-saver: You can make these fajitas ahead, wrap ndividually in microwave-friendly plastic wrap, and reheat in microwave.On the side, toss 1 lg tomato, diced; 1/3 c canned corn (rinsed and drained); /4 c chopped cilantro or parsley; 3 Tbsp diced red onion; 2 tsp balsamic vinegar; and 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil.

52 cal, 36 g pro, 65 g carb, 17 g fat, g sat fat, 76 mg chol, 9 g fiber, 483 mg odium, 127 mg calcium

Take Your Pick: Dinner (650 calories)

1. Cheesy Spinach Pizza (Top Fat Burner!)

Top one 10" low-sodium pizza crust with 1 c low-sodium marinara sauce; 10 oz frozen spinach (thawed and thoroughly drained); 2 cloves garlic, minced; and 6 oz shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese. Bake at 400°F until cheese bubbles and pizza is heated through. On the side, drizzle 2 Tbsp low-fat, low-sodium Italian dressing on 12 inner romaine leaves. Top with 1 Tbsp Parmesan cheese. Serve with 1 c fresh or frozen and thawed strawberries.

Per 2 slices: 653 cal, 30 g pro, 82 g carb, 23 g fat, 7 g sat fat, 28 mg chol, 10 g fiber, 401 mg sodium, 895 mg calcium

2. Salmon Supper

Drizzle lemon juice on a 5 oz salmon fillet and broil or grill about 5 minutes per side or until just opaque. Top with 1/2 c diced mango mixed with 1/3 c salsa. On the side, steam 2/3 c each snow peas and sliced carrots. Serve with 1 c cooked instant brown rice topped with 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts.

646 cal, 40 g pro, 73 g carb, 22 g fat, 4.5 g sat fat, 94 mg chol, 11 g fiber, 457 mg sodium, 141 mg calcium

3. The Freezer Dinner (Top Fat Burner!)

Cook one 350-calorie, low-fat frozen entrée of your choice (such as Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine Spa Cuisine Classics). Cook 11/2 c frozen California-blend vegetables (carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower) and toss with 2 tsp olive oil and 1 tsp dried herbs. Serve with 2 c baby greens; 1 sm pear, seeded and cubed; 2 Tbsp diced red onion; and 2 Tbsp low-fat, low-sodium salad dressing.

647 cal, 24 g pro, 95 g carb, 19 g fat, 4 g sat fat, 20 mg chol, 19 g fiber, 498 mg sodium, 208 mg calcium

4. Guiltless Fried Chicken

Smear 4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast with 1 Tbsp low-fat margarine and roll in 1/4 c bread crumbs seasoned with a pinch of dried thyme and rosemary. Place on baking sheet coated with cooking spray, and bake at 400°F for 35 to 50 minutes until center of chicken is no longer pink. Sauté 2 c asparagus spears and 2 cloves garlic, minced, in 1 tsp olive oil. Microwave 6 oz sweet potato until soft and mash with 2 Tbsp 1% milk, 1 Tbsp dried cranberries, and 1 Tbsp chopped pecans.

650 cal, 41 g pro, 81 g carb, 18.5 g fat, 3 g sat fat, 67 mg chol, 12 g fiber, 379 mg sodium, 232 mg calcium

5. Lamb Kebabs over Couscous (Top Fat Burner!)

Mix 3 Tbsp sherry (or orange juice), 1 tsp olive oil, and 2 cloves garlic, minced. Drizzle over 2 oz lamb shoulder or leg (cut into cubes); 1 c chopped zucchini; 12 large mushrooms, sliced; 1/3 c lg slices onion, and 12 cherry tomatoes, halved. Marinate 20 minutes or up to 8 hours in refrigerator. Skewer and grill over medium heat, turning occasionally, until meat is cooked through. Serve with 1 c cooked couscous and 6 oz frozen spinach sautéed with 2 tsp olive oil and 2 cloves garlic, minced.

654 cal, 36 g pro, 77 g carb, 22.5 g fat, 5 g sat fat, 49 mg chol, 17 g fiber, 210 mg sodium, 287 mg calcium

6. Juicy, Piled-High Hamburger

Spread one 100% whole wheat hamburger bun with 2 Tbsp low-sodium ketchup or 1 tsp Dijon mustard. Add 3 oz extra lean cooked hamburger (or ground turkey breast meat) patty, 2 thick slices tomato, and 3 leaves lettuce. On the side, top 4 oz baked potato with 2 Tbsp fat-free sour cream. Serve with 3/4 c steamed (or microwaved frozen) green beans and 6 oz low-sodium vegetable or tomato juice.

654 cal, 39 g pro, 85 g carb, 17.5 g fat, 6.5 g sat fat, 84 mg chol, 13 g fiber, 517 mg sodium, 157 mg calcium

7. Fish Tacos n Fries

Fill 3 corn tortillas with 4 oz grilled halibut or other white fish, 2/3 c shredded cabbage, 1/2 c diced tomatoes, 3 thin slices avocado, 1/2 c salsa, and 1 Tbsp fat-free sour cream.

Serve with sweet potato fries: Cut 1 med sweet potato into strips and coat with 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil, a dash of ground red pepper, and salt to taste. Roast at 400°F for 25 minutes or until browned but still firm.

654 cal, 39 g pro, 80 g carb, 19.5 g fat, 3 g sat fat, 47 mg chol, 12 g fiber, 498 mg sodium, 294 mg calcium

8. Pesto Pasta

Toss11/2 c cooked linguini with 1c fresh or low-sodium canned diced tomatoes; 2 cloves garlic, minced; 11/2 Tbsp pesto sauce; and 1 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese. Serve with 11/2 c cooked broccoli. For dessert, top 1/2 c lemon sorbet with 1/2 c blueberries.

656 cal, 24 g pro, 111 g carb, 15 g fat, 5 g sat fat, 12 mg chol, 14 g fiber, 374 mg sodium, 403 mg calcium

9. Pork Tenderloin

Season 4 oz pork tenderloin with dried herb mix such as rosemary and thyme. Broil or grill until cooked through. Serve with 2/3 c cooked instant brown rice, 2/3 c steamed (or microwaved frozen) green peas, and 1 steamed artichoke with 2 Tbsp low-calorie, low-sodium mayonnaise seasoned with black pepper or curry powder.

654 cal, 51 g pro, 61 g carb, 23.5 g fat, 7 g sat fat, 126 mg chol, 13 g fiber, 241 mg sodium, 102 mg calcium

10. Steak & Potatoes

Broil or grill 4 oz lean steak 2 to 21/2 minutes on each side for rare or 4 to 5 minutes per side if you prefer well-done. Serve with 6 oz baked potato topped with 2 Tbsp fat-free sour cream and 2 tsp butter, and 2 c cooked broccoli. For dessert, have 1/2 c sorbet.

653 cal, 43 g pro, 77 g carb, 20 g fat, 9 g sat fat, 116 mg chol, 9 g fiber, 245 mg sodium, 117 mg calcium

Take Your Pick: 200-Calorie Snacks

Skip the snack on days when you don't exercise or if you want to speed your weight loss.

1. Fruit & Yogurt

Top 3/4 c cantaloupe cubes with 6 oz fat- free lemon yogurt.

196 cal, 9 g pro, 38 g carb, 0.5 g fat, 0 g sat fat, 3 mg chol, 1 g fiber, 127 mg sodium, 316 mg calcium

2. Cherries & Chocolate

Have 11/2 c fresh Bing cherries with 1 bite- size dark chocolate candy.

198 cal, 4 g pro, 36 g carb, 5 g fat, 2.5 g sat fat, 2 mg chol, 3 g fiber, 40 mg sodium, 45 mg calcium

3. Quick Pizza

Top half of a 100% whole wheat English muffin with 3 Tbsp low-sodium marinara sauce and 2 Tbsp shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese. Broil pizza until cheese bubbles. Serve with 6 oz orange juice or sparkling water over crushed ice.

200 cal, 8 g pro, 31 g carb, 5.5 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 8 mg chol, 3 g fiber, 246 mg sodium, 195 mg calcium

4. Cookies & Milk (Top Fat Burner!)

Eat 2 whole wheat fig bars with 1 c 1% milk.

202 cal, 9 g pro, 31 g carb, 4.5 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 10 mg chol, 1 g fiber, 221 mg sodium, 318 mg calcium

5. Veggies & Dip (Top Fat Burner!)

Slice 1 red bell pepper into strips and dip it and 10 baby carrots into 1/3 c store-bought hummus.

197 cal, 5 g pro, 28 g carb, 7.5 g fat, 1 g sat fat, 0 mg chol, 15 g fiber, 234 mg sodium, 70 mg calcium

6. Cheese & Crackers (Top Fat Burner!)

Have 1 low-fat string cheese, 4 low-sodium whole wheat crackers, and 1 med apple.

198 cal, 8 g pro, 26 g carb, 7 g fat, 4 g sat fat, 15 mg chol, 3 g fiber, 25 mg sodium, 219 mg calcium

7. Trail Mix

Mix 1/2 c Cheerios with 1 oz almonds (approximately 22 nuts) and 1 tsp raisins.

199 cal, 7 g pro, 11 g carb, 14.5 g fat, 1.5 g sat fat, 0 mg chol, 4 g fiber, 65 mg sodium, 87 mg calcium

8. Popsicles & Cookies

Enjoy 2 frozen 100% fruit juice bars and 2 sm oatmeal cookies.

197 cal, 3 g pro, 37 g carb, 4.5 g fat, 1 g sat fat, 9 mg chol, 1 g fiber, 148 mg sodium, 32 mg calcium

9. PB & Pineapple

Top 1 slice 100% whole wheat toast with 1 Tbsp peanut butter and 1/3 c pineapple chunks.

199 cal, 7 g pro, 23 g carb, 9 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 0 mg chol, 5 g fiber, 250 mg sodium, 34 mg calcium

10. S'Mores

Place 2 marshmallows and 2 chocolate kisses on a graham cracker and top with another graham cracker. Heat in microwave until soft. Serve with 3 oz cranberry juice mixed with 1 c sparkling water.

200 cal, 2 g pro, 39 g carb, 4.5 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 2 mg chol, 1 g fiber, 101 mg sodium, 25 mg calcium

best of lluck! by the way you are skinny!
2007-07-02 19:11:04 UTC
tht is sick!! your going to be like rib showing creep. why would you want to loose more weight? i mean i weigh like 132 lbs and im 5'7" and i think im pretty skinny!! seriously that is not right... but since you did ask, jog everyday. it helps so much and you get a lot of endurance....if you already have really good endurance then you need to keep a healthy diet...doing crunches and stuff only makes you ripped not skinny necessarily. a good diet makes you drop weight. dont get me wrong.... crunches help but not in the way you say you "NEED" to but you totally dont need it
2007-07-02 19:07:00 UTC
I don't think you should lose weight. By the sound of it, you're perfectly fit! I'm like 5'3" and the same weight as you. If you really want to lose weight, drink more water. Please stay healthy!
2007-07-02 19:06:47 UTC
5'11..132 pounds?!?!?..are you nuts.,..YOU ARE PERFECT!!!!!!

im 5'8 132 pounds....shoot..i should be asking this question


but..shotout to all of the tall girls out there!!! lol
2007-07-02 19:06:40 UTC
Why on earth would you want to lose 10 lbs?? You're already very thin for your height! I've been a personal trainer for over 25 years and there is no way I'd take you on as a client. Get your head on straight! You don't need to lose weight!
2007-07-02 19:15:33 UTC
do sit ups and squats so u can tone up but don't try 2 lose 10 pounds though that sounds way 2 risky
2007-07-02 19:07:13 UTC
Run a quick mile everyday, and just eat all Fruits and Veggies, ALOT of watermellon, and cut out the junk food. Try Chicken rice soup, only 60 carlories per serving!
Michael W
2007-07-06 16:18:09 UTC
Height weight proportion is perfect.

Don't lose an ounce. Just do exercise daily.
2007-07-02 19:09:27 UTC
A lot of sit-ups!! I do some kicks that i learned in tae-kwan-doe(however you spell it) too. And i ride my bike a lot. And the other girl could be right you might just need to tone up some. Lifting weights is a lot fun!! we used to do it in our P.E. class.
2007-07-02 19:07:03 UTC
wow- u dont sound like u need to lose weight. but, if u insist. sounds like ur doing great with the exercise. try changing ur diet. dont eat as much as normal, but eat. be careful tho!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.