how can I convince my mom to let me use butt enhancement pills/creams. I get teased for having a small butt and I do exercise, so I think I should be able to. however, my mom is a health nut, runs a lot, very healthy, has low cholesterol because of her being healthy, that sort of thing. she likes to lose weight the right way, as in exercise and healthy diet, as opposed to diet pills, not eating, diet programs, ect. which is why I don't think she'll really go for the whole enhancement thing. I do plan on paying for it myself, and I would find a way to prove to her that they are healthy and not dangerous. I'm 13, 5"2', 97lbs, and 99% of it is muscle. I don't want comments, like your too young, you don't need that, blah blah blah. that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid when I ask for them. so basically I'm asking 1) how to convince her 2) what pills/creams are healthy and do work, 3) if you have any other way to get results fast, or some weird exercise besides squats and the obvious stuff, 4) what easily accessible foods (not herbs or weird stuff) improve your butt, 5) any recccomendations on which ones to use, 6) how to make your butt appear bigger in jeans, yoga pants, and/ or bikinis, 7) any other information that could help me with getting a bigger butt, 8) where can I get these things, 9) do thongs make your butt look bigger, and what kind of pants can I get that will, and where. you don't have to answer all of them I'm just giving you some ideas of answers id like to know. thank you all for all the help you've given me, I really appreciate it!!!