2011-10-24 16:28:10 UTC
and don't say switch your pillow vertically every time you sleep ether that's complete Bs or it didn't work cause i did that EVERY night i slept for a month and not a single subtle change
don't say get a cotton pad/swab and put warm milk on it then put it on the dark area of your eyes
(did that just made my eyes dry)
and PLEASE don't be retarded and say things like:
Put a Potato on your eyes (i have actually heard this one ....)
put cucumber on your eyes (its Bs it does nothing...at least for me)
Take a two frozen spoons and apply one to the area of the dark circles (this is just mental)
and things like this
i do the soak the cloth in cold water thing every morning and it does reduce red puffiness but not my dark eye circles
and don't say a product that is extremely expensive (unless you have one for cheap that's effective)
and dont say surgery it aint happening